As a licensed social worker in Maryland, it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field through continuing education (CE). The Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners (BSWE) requires licensed social workers to complete a certain number of CE credits to renew their license every two years.
Per the BSWE website as of January 2025: "The current continuing education requirement is to complete 40 (30 for LBSW's) continuing education units (CEUs) in programs and categories approved by the Board for each two-year period of licensure." There are two categories of CE credits for Maryland social workers: Category I and Category II. Understanding the differences between these categories and their benefits is crucial to maintaining your license and improving your skills and knowledge.
How many CEs do Maryland social workers need for renewal?
Licensed Certified Social Worker - Clinical (LCSW-C): 40 CEUs
Licensed Certified Social Worker (LCSW): 40 CEUs
Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW): 40 CEUs
Licensed Bachelor Social Worker (LBSW): 30 CEUs
SPECIAL TOPIC REQUIREMENTS (required for all licensure levels):
3.0 Ethics CEUs (can be Category I or Category II):
3.0 Anti-Oppressive Social Work CEUs (NEW requirement - must be Category I):
3.0 Supervision CEUs - for Board Approved Supervisors ONLY (can be Category I or Category II)
How many of the required renewal credits for Maryland Social Workers must be Category I vs. Category II?
Maryland Social Workers must complete at least 20 credits (15 for LBSW) as Category 1 but may complete all 40 in this way. Maryland Social Workers may complete up to 20 (15 for LBSW) credits per renewal cycle as Category II (pre-recorded asynchronous).
In addition, Maryland Social Workers may complete their Ethics requirement (3 Hours) and/or their Supervisor renewal requirement (3 Hours - only required for Board Approved Supervisors) as Category II CEUs.
What counts as Category I CEUs for Maryland Social Workers?
Category I credits must be live and interactive, meaning they must be attended in-person or via live, real-time interactive transactions between teachers and learners (may include face to face and interactive technology). Examples of Category I activities include workshops, conferences, and seminars. Per the BSWE website: "Category I credit can only be provided by Board Authorized Sponsors." View the list of Board Authorized sponsors.
Elevate Continuing Education is a Board Authorized Sponsor through the Maryland BSWE, as well as an Approved Continuing Education (ACE) Provider through ASWB. Our Live Interactive Zoom CE Trainings provide Category I credits for Maryland Social Workers. CLICK HERE to view our Live Webinars.
Did you know? Ethics & Supervision CEUs can be Category I OR Category II
Maryland Social Workers may complete their 3 Hour Ethics requirement using either Category I or II CEUs. Board Approved Social Work Supervisors may also complete their required 3 Supervision CEUs using Category I or Category II CEUs.
New Category I Anti-Oppressive Social Work CE Requirement
Starting with the 2024 renewal year and beyond, Maryland Social Workers have a new CE Requirement to complete 3.0 Category I CEUs in topic areas related to Anti-Oppressive Social Work. The Board of Social Work Examiners provided the following information in their 2024 email bulletin to all licensed Maryland Social Workers:
COMAR Continuing Education Requirements
“(d) 3 of the required Category I continuing education units shall have anti-oppressive social work practice content focusing on race, culture, or equity, and include one or more of the following topics:
(i) Cultural humility; (ii) Social justice; (iii) Racial equity; (iv) Implicit bias; or (v) Anti-racism practices;”
View the entire COMAR 10.42.06 regulation at: https://health.maryland.gov/bswe/Documents/Regs/10.42.06ContinuingEducationRequir ements.pdf
What counts as Category II CEUs for Maryland Social Workers?
Category II activities are more self-directed and can often be completed at your own pace. Examples of Category II activities include on-demand/recorded courses, online self-study modules, in-service trainings, and more (visit the BSWE website for more Category II activity information and requirements). Although Category II credits can provide more flexibility for licensees, proper documentation is still required for Cat II continuing education activities. Online learning including webinars and home-study courses must also be provided by a Board Authorized Sponsor. Social workers can earn up to half of their CE credits through Category II activities. Did you know? Maryland social workers can earn their ethics credits and their supervision renewal credits (3 are required for board-approved supervisors) as Category II credits!
Recorded Webinars Offering Category II CEUs
As a Maryland BSWE Board Authorized Sponsor, we offer Maryland social workers a wide range of Recorded Webinars that provide Category II CE Credits. These Recorded Webinars can provide a flexible and affordable way to help our fellow Maryland Social Workers to quickly and easily fulfill half of their required CEs.
Our On-Demand courses include completion requirements and learning assessments (quizzes that are easy to complete after watching the videos) throughout the training. These verifications ensure that we can stand behind each and every certificate that we issue. Once you have completed the training requirements and course evaluation, you will receive your certificate immediately. Click the button below to view our current On-Demand course listing.
We are constantly working on adding new courses and topics. Check back often and sign up for our Enewsletter to see our latest offerings. With our On-Demand courses, you can earn CE credits at your own pace and on your own schedule, making it easier to fit continuing education into your busy life.
Whether you choose Category I or Category II activities, the goal of CE is to continue your education and improve your knowledge and skills. Keeping up-to-date with the latest developments in your field is not only a requirement for maintaining your license, but also essential for providing the best possible care to your clients.
If you have any questions about our Live Zoom or Recorded Webinar courses, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Disclaimer: The guidance provided in this post is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal or professional advice. Licensees should check with their respective boards to determine their specific license renewal requirements, including the number and types of continuing education credits required. The Board of Social Work Examiners may update its requirements and regulations from time to time, so it is important for licensees to stay informed and up-to-date. Maryland Social Workers should visit the Board of Social Work Examiners website to determine their licensing requirements. The above information is current as of January 2025.