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CE Credit and License Renewal Information Page

Florida accepts Elevate CE's credits for social workers.

The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling accepts the following organizations as Board Rule Approved Providers: 

  • Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB)

  • National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC)

More information and full rules can be found here:

Elevate Continuing Education, #1816, formerly Maryland CEU Institute is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program.

Elevate Continuing Education has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No.7347. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Elevate Continuing Education is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Florida Social Work Continuing Education Requirements

2025 License Renewal Information

Renewal Deadline: March 31, 2025

Renewal Frequency: Every 2 Years on March 31 of Odd Years

How many CEs do Florida social workers need for license renewal?

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW): 30 Hours every two years

  • Certified Master Social Worker (CMSW): 30 Hours every two years

  • Registered Clinical Social Work Intern (RCSWI):  None


    • 3 Hours in Ethics and Boundaries OR Telehealth (alternating biennial renewal periods.)

    • 2 Hours in Medical errors

    • 3 Hours in Laws & Rules (required every third biennium - included in the 25 general hours.)

    • 2 hours in Domestic Violence (required every third biennium - included in the 25 general hours).

    • 4 Hours in Qualified Supervisor Training (required every third biennium for Qualified Supervisors ONLY - included in the 25 general hours).

Can I take my CEs from Elevate CE?

YES! Elevate CE provides Live Webinars (synchronous) and Recorded Webinars (Pre-recorded/asynchronous) CE trainings for Florida Social Workers. The Florida Board of Social Work accepts both Live and Pre-Recorded CE credits - there is no limit to either type of course format. 

Elevate CE is an approved provider through the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB). The Florida Board of Social Work accepts courses approved through ASWB. Please see the regulation here. 

Are there any course format requirements or limitations for Florida social workers?

The Florida Board of Social Work no longer has a live CE requirement. Therefore the licensee may choose any combination of live (synchronous) and/or pre-recorded (asynchronous) courses to meet your CE requirements. There is no limit to the number of CE hours that can be taken in either format. Elevate CE offers Live Webinars (synchronous) and Recorded Webinars (asynchronous) - both of which may count towards the required CE hours for Florida Social Workers.

View our Live Webinars page or Recorded Webinars page to see our current courses and to get started.

Does Elevate CE participate with CE Broker and will CE courses be submitted for tracking?

YES, Elevate CE is approved through CE Broker for Florida social workers and we will report completed CE courses through CE Broker as long as the necessary information is provided upon course completion (your state licensure and license number information).

Florida Social Work CE Requirement Statutes

This information below has been obtained directly from the Florida Board of Social Work Website and is current as of August 2024. Please visit the Florida Board Statues Page of for full information and details.

64B4-6.001 Renewal of Active License.

(1) The Department of Health shall renew an active license upon receipt of the renewal license fee, as established by Rule 64B4-4.005, F.A.C. By remitting the correct fee to the Department, the licensee is affirming that all requirements for license renewal have been met. Each renewal period shall begin on the date established by the Department.

(2) A licensee shall not be required to complete continuing education for the first renewal of licensure. For each subsequent renewal, licensee must complete 30 hours of approved continuing education credit. Courses shall include:

(a) Two hours on the prevention of medical errors; and

(b) Three hours relating to professional ethics and boundary issues or telehealth. These courses may be taken in any order, however, the same course may not be taken in consecutive renewal periods.

(3) Within six months of initial licensure and every third renewal thereafter, a licensee must complete a two hour continuing education course on domestic violence.

(4) Every third renewal after initial licensure, a licensee must complete three hours of laws and rules continuing education units.

(5) Every third renewal, a qualified supervisor shall obtain four hours of supervisory training continuing education that meets the requirements in subsection 64B4-6.0025(4), F.A.C.

(6) A maximum of six of the required 30 hours of continuing education may be accrued for credit during each renewal period by attending programs designed for the purpose of enhancing the licensee’s administrative, office management, or other non-clinical skills.

(7) Continuing education hours conpleted by a licensee to satisfy any disciplinary action shall be in addition to those required for renewal.

Rulemaking Authority 491.004(5), 491.007(1), (2) FS. Law Implemented 456.031(1)(a), 491.007(1), (2) FS. History–New 4-4-89, Amended 12-4-90, Formerly 21CC-6.001, Amended 1-9-94, Formerly 61F4-6.001, Amended 1-7-96, 12-29-96, Formerly 59P-6.001, Amended 2-9-99, 2-5-01, 2-7-05, 7-16-06, 12-17-06, 6-13-07, 9-13-07, 12-3-09, 2-17-13, 11-7-16, 3-18-19, 11-18-20.

PLEASE NOTE: The above information has been obtained directly from each state licensing board. At this time, information is available for social workers and professional counselors. Other professionals may check directly with their licensing board to determine if ASWB or NBCC CEs are accepted. Licensees are responsible for determining whether courses meet the CE requirements in their jurisdictions. We do our best keep our information current, but state laws sometimes change without notice. Please remember, it is your responsibility for interpreting your state’s laws, licensure requirements, course relevancy and all requirements for your state.
If you are aware of a change in your requirements that is not shown here, please send us an email at or complete our Contact Us form.

Our social work CEUs, social work CE credits, and professional counselor credit hours are widely accepted but please check with your state/licensing board to ensure they meet your CE needs before registering for a course.

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