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CE Credit and License Renewal Information Page

Alabama accepts Elevate CE's credits for social workers.

The Alabama State Board of Social Work Examiners accepts: 

  • Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved CE Providers.

  • National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) Approved CE Providers

  • Visit the Approved CE Providers list for more information. 

Elevate Continuing Education, #1816, formerly Maryland CEU Institute is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program.

Elevate Continuing Education has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No.7347. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Elevate Continuing Education is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Alabama Social Work Continuing Education Requirements

2025 Renewal Information

Renewal Date/Deadline: Varies based on license issue date

Renewal Frequency: Every 2 years based on license issuance date

How many CEs do Alabama social workers need for license renewal?

  • Licensed Bachelor Social Worker (LBSW): 30 Total Hours every 2 years

  • Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW): 30 Total Hours every 2 years

  • Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW): 30 Total Hours every 2 years


  • LBSW Special Topic Requirements:

    • 3 Hours of Ethics

  • LMSW Special Topic Requirements

    • 3 Hours of Ethics

    • 3 Hours of Clinical (for those with a clinical license designation)

  • LICSW Special Topic Requirements

    • 3 hours in ethics

    • 6 hours in clinical content, of which 3 of these hours must be in a comprehensive review of the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)

  • Supervision Requirement: A licensee providing supervision under an approved contract for supervision is required to obtain three (3) contact hours in supervision.

Can I take my CEs from Elevate CE?

YES, Alabama Social Workers can earn all 30 of their required CEs through Elevate CE. Elevate CE's Live Webinars count towards Alabama social workers 10 hour live training requirement. Elevate CE's recorded webinars can fulfill the remaining 20 required hours for Alabama social workers. Elevate CE offers multiple ethics trainings both in Recorded and Live Webinar format as well as clinical trainings and supervision trainings. 

Elevate CE is an approved provider through the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) which is listed  on the Alabama of Social Work list of approved providers of continuing education. Approved CE Providers – Alabama State Board of Social Work Examiners

View our Live Webinars or Recorded Webinars to get started learning and earning the CEs your need for renewal today!

Are there any course format requirements or limitations for Alabama social workers?

10 of the total 30 CE credits must be earned via live Synchronous learning. The remaining 20 hours may be earned via Recorded Webinars. Elevate CE's Live Webinars are accepted for Alabama social workers as Live Synchronous training hours.

Alabama Social Work CE Requirement Statutes

This information below has been obtained directly from the Alabama Board of Social Work Website and is current as of November 2024. Please visit Alabama Social Work Laws and Rules website for full information and details.

Alabama Social Work Laws & Rules


01 Continuing Education. 

  • (1) This rule defines continuing education, continuing education unit (CEU) , contact hour, the types of activities which are acceptable for fulfillment of requirements, the documentation required, and the amount of continuing education required for a renewal period for each category of licensure. This rule shall be published by the Board and made available to licensed social workers. 

  • (2) Continuing Education means education which fosters the enhancement of general or specialized social work practice, values, skills or knowledge. 

  • (3) CEUs are defined on the basis of ten contact hours per CEU and may be earned in whole or a fraction thereof. Contact hour means one clock hour of organized learning experience. One clock hour means a sixty minute clock hour of instruction, not including coffee breaks or lunch. 

  • (4) The contact hour requirements for each category of licensure are as follows: 

    • (a) A licensed bachelor social worker must submit proof of thirty (30) contact hours of continuing education, of which 10 hours must be a live classroom event and 3 hours must be in ethics. 

    • (b) A licensed master social worker must submit proof of thirty (30) contact hours of continuing education, of which 10 hours must be a live classroom event and 3 hours must be in ethics. A licensed master social worker with a clinical designation must also have 3 hours in clinical. 

    • (c) A licensed independent clinical social worker must submit proof of thirty (30) contact hours of continuing education, of which 10 hours must be a live classroom event, 3 hours in ethics and 6 hours in clinical, 3 of which must be a comprehensive review of the current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Proof of this must be mailed or electronically mailed to the Board at the time of renewal. 

    • (d) A licensee providing supervision under an approved contract for supervision is required to obtain three (3) contact hours in supervision. 

    • (e) It is recommended that all licensees and applicants are required complete the to complete a mandatory Child Abuse and Neglect Report training. as required by Alabama Law 26-14-3 for licensure. This is a one-time requirement recommendation. 

  • (5) The following types of continuing education activities are acceptable for fulfillment of continuing education requirements: 

    • (a) Regionally accredited university or college academic courses in social work or related social work disciplines. One graduate academic semester hour successfully completed shall be equivalent to five contact hours per semester hour. Five contact hours may be received for auditing an academic course from a related discipline. One undergraduate or graduate academic semester hour taught shall be equal to double contact hours. (i.e. Three undergraduate semester hours taught will equal six contact hours) A licensee may not use the same course taught more than once in a renewal cycle. Documentation of course taught must be provided. 

    • (b) Continuing education programs sponsored by university or college social work programs. 

    • (c) Board approved workshops, institutes or conferences sponsored by official national, regional, or state social work or social welfare related approval for contact hour credit prior to conducting the activity. A list of annual conferences and/or sponsoring organizations will be made available to licensed social workers upon request.

    • (d) Board approved public or private agency staff development programs that contribute to the enhancement of social work practice, skills or knowledge. Agencies are to submit quarterly projections of programs to the Board which could include outlines of specific programs and vitae of presenters. To update files, agencies may provide to the Board brochures and other literature on completed programs. 

    • (e) Workshops or presentations not under the auspices of any organized agency. This section refers to activities planned by individuals working independently. Contact hours will be approved from the information submitted prior to the activity. 

    • (f) Publication of a professional social work paper. The initial publication shall be acceptable for twenty contact hours. Presentation of a professional social work paper for the first time at a Board approved professional conference shall be acceptable for fifteen contact hours. Participating as a panel member for a Board approved workshop or conference shall be acceptable for two times the approved contact hours for the session. Facilitating, moderating, or leading a Board approved workshop or conference shall be acceptable for the approved contact hours for the session. 

    • (g) Self-directed learning project (maximum twenty contact hours) . Projects intended to increase knowledge shall be documented by means of a paper, annotated bibliography, etc. Projects intended to increase skill development by means of audio or audio-visual tapes shall be documented. Credit for self-directed learning projects may be granted provided the project is completed and approved prior to the current license expiration. Projects not completed and approved by the license expiration date can be considered for the licensee's next renewal period. The Board recommends that self-directed learning project proposals be submitted at least nine months prior to the expiration date of licensure to provide sufficient time for review, project completion, and approval. Reading a book, preparing a paper in a graduate course, or case consultation shall not meet the requirements for this activity. 

  • (6) Documentation means dated evidence of participation in continuing education activities. Evidence such as receipts of registration, copy of publication or program listing the presentation is considered documentation. Continuing education documentation must be submitted on a form provided by the Board and accompanied by the licensee's application for renewal. 

  • (7) The Board may request verification of credits submitted, including information regarding content, certification, and attendance. It is the responsibility of the licensee to obtain records to substantiate credits. Failure to substantiate credits submitted or to submit documentation of sufficient continuing education credits may result in refusal by the Board to renew a license. 

Author: Alabama Board of Social Work Examiners Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §34-30-57(5) (1991) . History: Repealed and Replaced: Filed October 31, 1997; Operative December 5,1997; effective January 1, 1998; March 8, 2007; effective April 12, 2007; October 4, 2014; September 15, 2016; effective October 21, 2016. Amended: Filed June 20, 2019; effective October 1, 2019; Filed July 31, 2020; effective November 14, 2020. Filed April 13, 2021; effective August 2021. Amended: Filed May 10, 2023; effective September 14, 2023.

PLEASE NOTE: The above information has been obtained directly from each state licensing board. At this time, information is available for social workers and professional counselors. Other professionals may check directly with their licensing board to determine if ASWB or NBCC CEs are accepted. Licensees are responsible for determining whether courses meet the CE requirements in their jurisdictions. We do our best keep our information current, but state laws sometimes change without notice. Please remember, it is your responsibility for interpreting your state’s laws, licensure requirements, course relevancy and all requirements for your state.
If you are aware of a change in your requirements that is not shown here, please send us an email at or complete our Contact Us form.

Our social work CEUs, social work CE credits, and professional counselor credit hours are widely accepted but please check with your state/licensing board to ensure they meet your CE needs before registering for a course.

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