DC accepts Elevate CE's credits for social workers.
Elevate Continuing Education has received direct blanket approval through the DC Board of Social Work to offer continuing education. In addition, the DC Board of Social Work accepts Association of Social Work Board (ASWB) CE Credits.
NEW for 2025 renewals - the DC board has modified their in-person training requirment and will now accept live interactive online webinars for the same credits as in-person continuing education credits. The statement from the board on this new rule is as follows: "The Board has voted and determined that going forward - during the current licensure term from August 1, 2023 to July 31, 2025 - the CE requirement will return to the original requirement, in effect prior to the pandemic, with the following modification: “Live-interactive, webinars” will be accepted and will count as “In-person” CEs. Note that pre-recorded, online presentations will not count as In-person CEs. Only “LIVE-INTERACTIVE, WEBINARS” in real-time WILL BE CONSIDERED as “IN-PERSON, CEs. Thus, no more than twelve (12) hours of the required CE may be obtained through pre-recorded, remote methods - be they pre-recorded on-demand internet course; pre-recorded home studies; or pre-recorded distance learning. The remainder of the required, forty (40) hours of CEs (28 remaining hours) must be live, in person, CEs, to include “Live-interactive webinars”
This announcement/policy statement may be read in full here: https://dchealth.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/doh/service_content/attachments/Policy%20Statement%20-%20Modification%20-%20BoSW%20Guidance%20on%20Suspension%20of%20Face-to-Face%20Continuing%20Education%20Requirement%201SEPT2023.pdf
Please note that the 6 hours of ethics required must be a live interactive webinar, but the 2 hours of LGBTQ training may be online/pre-recorded.
Elevate Continuing Education, #1816, formerly Maryland CEU Institute is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program.
District of Columbia (DC) Social Work Continuing Education Requirements
2025 License Renewal Information
Renewal Deadline: NEW for 2025 - Renewals will be rolling based on licensee's birth month (see below)
Renewal Frequency: Every 2 Years
Important Updates for District of Columbia (DC) Social Workers
Licenses, certificates, and registrations issued on or after June 16, 2024, will expire on the last day of the licensee's birth month.
For current license holders, this change takes effect with renewals beginning September 2024. Further details will be provided later.
*Please visit the DC Board of Social Work website or contact the DC Board of Social Work for more information.
Live-Interactive Webinars Now Accepted as “In-Person” CEs – Starting for 2025 Renewals
The DC Board now recognizes live-interactive online webinars as equivalent to in-person CE credits.
Pre-recorded courses still do not count as in-person CEs.
Breakdown of CE requirements for the current term (August 1, 2023 – July 31, 2025):
12 hours max via pre-recorded methods (e.g., on-demand courses).
28 hours minimum must be live, in-person CEs (including live-interactive webinars).
For full details, read the official policy statement.
How many CEs do District of Columbia social workers need for renewal?
Licensed Social Worker Associate (LSWA): 40 Total CE Hours every 2 Years
Licensed Graduate Social Worker (LGSW): 40 Total CE Hours every 2 Years
Licensed Independent Social Worker (LISW): 40 Total CE Hours every 2 Years
Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW): 40 Total CE Hours every 2 Years
SPECIAL TOPIC REQUIREMENTS (required for all licensure levels)
6 Hours in Ethics (must be a live course)
2 Hours in LGBTQ (can be done recorded webinar)
4 Hours in Health Priorities (can be done recorded webinar)
Health Priorities topics currently include: Responsible opioid prescribing and effective pain management; Nutrition and obesity prevention; Identifying and reporting abuse (child and adult), neglect (child and adult), human trafficking, and domestic violence; Sexual health (including taking sexual history, discussing sexual experiences with patients, sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV/AIDS), HPV vaccines, connections to cancer, latent tuberculosis, safe sex, and birth control); Ethics and appropriate patient interactions (i.e. boundaries, patient privacy, and communications including telehealth); Smoking, vaping, and tobacco (including dangers, smoking cessation, and non-smoke tobacco products); Preparing your patients for an emergency and handling vulnerable populations in an emergency; Identifying impairment (physical or mental) in patients and providers (including complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Occupational Safety and Health Act); Vaccinations (including legal requirements and appropriate exemptions); and, Implicit bias, cultural competence and Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in health and health care. View DC Dept of Health Policy Statement
Can I take my CEs from Elevate CE?
YES, District of Columbia Social Workers can earn all 40 of their required CEs through Elevate CE. Elevate CE's Live Webinars count towards District of Columbia Social Workers 28 hour live training requirement.
Elevate CE's recorded webinars can fulfill the remaining 12 required hours for District of Columbia Social Workers. Elevate CE offers Live Ethics courses as well as many other clinical trainings to cover your DC Requirements.
Elevate CE has received approval directly from the DC Board of Social Work to offer DC Social Work CE Credits. In addition,Elevate CE is an approved provider through the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB). The DC Board of Social Work accepts courses approved through ASWB.
Are there any course format requirements or limitations for District of Columbia social workers?
YES, DC Social Workers should be aware that they are limited to earning 12 hours from Recorded Webinars or other non-interactive courses. NEW for this renewal period, DC Social Workers may now count Live Interactive Webinars as “In-person” CE hours for renewal - a minimum of 28 hours must be earned through In-person/Live Webinar course formats. Elevate CE’s live webinars fulfill this requirement.
In addition, please be aware that the 6 hours of laws and ethics required for DC Social Workers must be completed as In-person/Live Webinar CE hours.
District of Columbia Social Work CE Requirement Statutes
This information below has been obtained directly from the DC Board of Social Work Website and is current as of November 2024. Please visit DC Board of Social Work for full information and details.
Washington DC Social Work Continuing Education Requirements Statutes:
Except as provided in § 7008.2, this section applies to applicants for the renewal, reactivation, or reinstatement of a license.
This section does not apply to applicants for an initial license or to applicants for the first renewal after the initial grant of a license regardless of the licensure type or level.
Continuing education credits (CEUs) may be granted only for programs or activities approved by the Board pursuant to § 7009.
To qualify for the renewal of a license, an applicant shall have completed forty
(40) hours of approved continuing education credit during the two (2)-year period preceding the date the license expires, which shall include:
No more than twelve (12) hours of independent home studies, distance learning continuing education activities, or internet courses;
Ten percent (10%) of the total required continuing education being in the subjects determined by the Director as public health priorities of the District, which shall be duly published every five (5) years or as deemed appropriate; and
Six (6) hours of continuing education credits in live, in-person, face-to face ethics, professional conduct, or boundary course(s) in which the participant and presenter are physically present in the same room and two
(2) hours of LGBTQ continuing education.
The Board may periodically conduct a random audit of licensees to determine compliance with the continuing education requirement.
A licensee who is selected to participate in the Board's continuing education audit shall, within thirty (30) days after being deemed served notice of the selection, submit proof pursuant to§ 7008.12 of having completed the required approved continuing education credits during the two (2)-year period immediately preceding the date the license expires.