New Mexico accepts Elevate CE's credits for social workers.
The New Mexico Social Work Examiners states the following on their website: "The Board accepts all CEUs approved by NASW, ASWB, NBCC, NM Counseling and Therapy Board, and the NM Psychology Board.". Elevate CE is approved by ASWB and NBCC as a Continuing Education Provider. More information can be found here under "Which CEUs are considered board approved?": https://www.rld.nm.gov/boards-and-commissions/individual-boards-and-commissions/social-work-examiners/faqs/
Elevate Continuing Education, #1816, formerly Maryland CEU Institute is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program.
Elevate Continuing Education has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No.7347. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Elevate Continuing Education is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
New Mexico Social Work Continuing Education Requirements
2025 License Renewal Information
Renewal Deadline: June 30 Biennially (renewal year depends on when license your was issued)
Renewal Frequency: Every 2 Years
How many CEs do New Mexico social workers need for renewal?
Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker (LBSW): 30 Total CE Hours every two Years
Licensed Masters Social Worker (LMSW): 30 Total CE Hours every two Years
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW): 30 Total CE Hours every two Years
SPECIAL TOPIC REQUIREMENTS (required for all licensure levels)
6 Hours in Cultural Awareness
Can I take my CEs from Elevate CE?
YES! New Mexico Social Workers can earn all 30 of their required CE hours through Elevate Continuing Education.
Elevate CE is an approved provider through the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB). The New Mexico Board of Social Work accepts courses approved through ASWB. Please see the regulation HERE
View our Live Webinars or Recorded Webinars to get started learning and earning the CEs your need for renewal today!
Are there any course format requirements or limitations for New Mexico social workers?
New Mexico does require that 20 of the 30 total CE hours must be approved by the New Mexico board, which are approved by NASW, ASWB, NBCC, NM Counseling and Therapy Board, and NM Psychology Board.
Elevate CE is approved provider through ASWB and therefore New Mexico Social Workers may earn all 30 of their CE hours through Elevate CE's Courses.
New Mexico Social Work CE Requirement Statutes
This information below has been obtained directly from the New Mexico Social Work Examiners Website and is current as of November 2024. Please visit the New Mexico STATUTES/REGULATIONS for full information and details.
PART 12 CONTINUING EDUCATION ISSUING AGENCY: Regulation and Licensing Department, Board of Social Work Examiners P.O. Box 25101, Santa Fe, NM 87504.
[9/8/96; NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 63.12.1, 06/19/02] SCOPE: All baccalaureate social workers, master social workers, and independent social workers.
[9/8/96; NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 63.12.2, 06/19/02] STATUTORY AUTHORITY: These parts are promulgated pursuant to the Social Work Practice Act, Section 61-31-8A, 14-2-1, 61-31-19 NMSA 1978.
[9/8/96; NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 63.12.3, 06/19/02] DURATION: Permanent
[9/8/96; NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 63.12.4, 06/19/02] EFFECTIVE DATE: June 22, 1992, unless a different date is cited at the end of a section.
[9/8/96; NMAC - Rn & A, 16 NMAC 63.12.5, 06/19/02] OBJECTIVE: To inform licensees of continuing education hours required for license renewal, and the reporting process.
[9/8/96; NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 63.12.6, 06/19/02] DEFINITIONS: [Reserved] CONTINUING EDUCATION REQUIREMENT: Continuation of education is required for social workers to be re-licensed at any level. Continuing education is required by the New Mexico board of social work examiners to ensure that social workers in New Mexico are providing the highest quality professional services.
[5/15/91, 6/22/92, NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 63.12.8, 06/19/02] CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT: Thirty (30) hours of continuing education will be required biennially. Six (6) of the thirty (30) hours must be in the subject area of cultural awareness. Proof of participation in or presentation of continuing education activity must be submitted with the license renewal request if the licensee is audited. All continuing education hours must be earned during the current two (2) year renewal period of July 1 thru June 30.
[5/15/91, 6/22/92, 5/1/99; NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 63.12.9, 06/19/02; A, 04/24/06; A, 11/30/06; A, 01/17/08] CONTINUING EDUCATION PARTICIPATION/FORMAL SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION: A three (3) hour college level course in social work or courses which are designed to enhance the skills relevant to the social worker's professional activity will be accepted as equivalent to thirty (30) hours. The social worker shall submit transcripts directly to the board with renewal.
[5/15/91, 6/22/92, 5/1/99; NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 63.12.10, 06/19/02; A, 01/17/08] CONTINUING EDUCATION AGENTS: The board may identify and authorize any continuing education agents. The agents will report directly to the board concerning continuing education activity.
[5/15/91, 6/22/92, NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 63.12.11, 06/19/02] CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT CARRYOVER: All continuing education hours must be earned during the current two (2) year renewal period of July 1 thru June 30; no carryover will be permitted.
[5/15/91, 6/22/92, 5/1/99; NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 63.12.12, 06/19/02; A, 04/24/06; A, 01/17/08] DOCUMENTATION OF PARTICIPATION: The board shall audit a percentage of renewal applications each renewal period to verify the continuing education requirement. The licensee must maintain proof of continuing education courses taken for the past four (4) years.
A. If a notice of audit letter is received with the renewal form, evidence of continuing education hours earned during the renewal period must be submitted to the board as requested and as required in the Social Work Practice Act and by this rule.
B. If the licensee is not audited, all documentation of attendance and agendas must be retained by the licensee for a minimum of four (4) years immediately preceding the current renewal.
C. The board reserves the right to audit a licensee’s continuing education records as it deems necessary.
[5/15/91, 6/22/92, NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 63.12.13, 06/19/02; A, 04/24/06; A, 11/30/06; A, 01/17/08] CONTINUING EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL DISCRETION: The social worker may choose up to ten (10) hours per renewal period which is self-directed. The social worker may select education programs, readings and audio or video-taped materials which are in the domain of social work. Preparation time, not to exceed the length of the presentation and time accumulated in presenting a social work seminar or workshop is included in this section. Documentation of discretionary continuing education hours will be in accordance with guidelines established by the board of social work examiners. Activities which include personal scope such as sports, hobbies, etc. are not acceptable for credit nor is personal therapy. The social worker seeking re-licensure shall report continuing education hours directly to the board upon application for license renewal. Approval of credit under this section is within the board's discretion.
[5/15/91, 6/22/92, 5/1/99; NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 63.12.14, 06/19/02; A, 01/17/08] FAILURE TO MEET CONTINUING EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: Failure to meet continuing education requirements will cause the board to refuse to renew the social work license in accordance with the Uniform Licensing Act.
[5/15/91, 6/22/92, 5/1/99; NMAC - Rn, 16 NMAC 63.12.15, 06/19/02]