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North Carolina

CE Credit and License Renewal Information Page

North Carolina accepts Elevate CE's credits for social workers.

The North Carolina Social Work Certification and Licensing Board accepts courses approved by The Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB). More information can be found at: [ Code Reference 21 NCAC 63 .0401 CONTINUING EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS]

Elevate Continuing Education, #1816, formerly Maryland CEU Institute is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program.

North Carolina Social Work Continuing Education Requirements

2025 License Renewal Information

Renewal Deadline: Varies based on license issuance date

Renewal Frequency: Every 2 years based on license issuance date

How many CEs do North Carolina social workers need for license renewal?

  • Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker (LBSW): 40 Hours every two years

  • Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW):  40 hours every two years

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW): 40 hours every two years

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker Associate (LCSW-A): 40 hours every two years

SPECIAL TOPIC REQUIREMENTS (for all licensure levels):

  • 4 hours in Ethics every 2 Years

Can I take my CEs from Elevate CE?

Yes, North Carolina social workers can earn all 40 required CE credits through Elevate CE. North Carolina Social Workers are required to complete at least 20 of their 40 CE hours via live webinar. Elevate CE’s live webinars meet this live training requirement, allowing social workers to complete all 40 hours in this format, if they wish. Additionally, NC social workers can complete a maximum of 20 hours via recorded webinars. Elevate CE's recorded webinars can be used to complete this requirement. Elevate CE also offers multiple ethics trainings in both recorded and live webinar formats.

Elevate CE is an approved provider with the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) and the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC). The North Carolina Board of Social Work accepts credits approved by these entities. View the regulations here.

View our Live Webinars or Recorded Webinars to get started learning and earning the CEs your need for renewal today!

Are there any course format requirements or limitations for North Carolina social workers?

20 of the 40 hours may be done via recorded webinar.

North Carolina Social Work CE Requirement Statutes

This information below has been obtained directly from the North Carolina Board of Social Work Website and is current as of November 2024. Please visit the North Carolina Board Statues  Page for full information and details.

North Carolina Social Work Board Statutes



(a) Continuing education for certification or licensure renewal shall be required to maintain professional knowledge and technical competency. Social workers shall obtain 40 contact hours of Board-approved continuing education credits in accordance with this Rule within each two-year renewal cycle. For purposes of this Rule, a “contact hour” is defined as time spent actually receiving education, excluding breaks. If a certification or licensure is for less than a full two-year period, then social workers shall obtain 30 contact hours of Board-approved continuing education credits in accordance with this Rule. Continuing education credits shall be awarded as follows:

(1) continuing education units awarded that do not reflect contact hours or clock hours of instruction shall be awarded at the rate of one contact hour of credit for each continuing education unit;

(2) one academic course hour of credit shall be equal to 15 contact hours; and

(3) credit for auditing an academic course shall be for clock hours of instruction attended with one clock hour equal to one contact hour of credit.

(b) During each renewal period, all certified and licensed social workers shall engage in a minimum of four contact hours of continuing education focused on ethics related to social work practice and ethical decision-making.

(c) The following activities shall be approved for continuing education:

(1) academic social work courses taken for credit or audit;

(2) agency-based staff development, seminars, institutes, workshops, mini-courses or conferences oriented to social work practice, values, skills, and knowledge;

(3) cross-disciplinary offerings from medicine, law, and the behavioral/social sciences or other disciplines, if such offerings are related to social work practice, values, skills, and knowledge;

(4) distance learning activities, including online courses and home study courses that have been preapproved by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) or the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and its associated state chapters. The maximum continuing education credit granted for distance learning activities is one-half of the required hours, up to a maximum of 20 contact hours per renewal period. Synchronous audio-video broadcasts allowing for real time interaction between the instructor and participants shall not be considered distance learning activities but as a face-to-face offering; and

(5) a group of professionals within the health and human services or related fields organized to come together to study a particular topic focusing on social work practice, provided the following can be documented:

(A) study topics;

(B) study materials;

(C) facilitator(s); and

(D) date(s) and hours of attendance.

(d) Continuing education focusing on practitioner self-care and well-being shall not exceed six contact hours of credit during a single renewal cycle.

(e) Up to five contact hours of credit shall be granted per renewal cycle for presenting a training focused on social work practice provided that:

(1) the Board receives confirmation from the organization for which the licensee presented that identifies the licensee as the presenter, confirms the title and date of the presentation, the length of the presentation, and number of attendees; and

(2) the dates of the presentation occur within the renewal cycle.

(f) Credit shall not be granted for:

(1) identical programs completed within the same renewal period;

(2) job orientation or training directed at procedural mandates such as health and safety practices, new hire training, and compliance training; or

(3) supervision and case consultation.

History Note: Authority G.S. 90B-6; 90B-9;

Eff. August 1, 1987;

Amended Eff. September 1, 1993;

Temporary Amendment Eff. October 1, 1999;

Amended Eff. January 1, 2009; September 1, 2005; April 1, 2001;

Readopted Eff. February 1, 2017;

Amended Eff. October 1, 2021.

21 NCAC 63 .0402 FORMS

History Note: Authority G.S. 90B-6; 90B-9;

Eff. August 1, 1987;

Temporary Repeal Eff. October 1, 1999;

Repealed Eff. July 1, 2000.

PLEASE NOTE: The above information has been obtained directly from each state licensing board. At this time, information is available for social workers and professional counselors. Other professionals may check directly with their licensing board to determine if ASWB or NBCC CEs are accepted. Licensees are responsible for determining whether courses meet the CE requirements in their jurisdictions. We do our best keep our information current, but state laws sometimes change without notice. Please remember, it is your responsibility for interpreting your state’s laws, licensure requirements, course relevancy and all requirements for your state.
If you are aware of a change in your requirements that is not shown here, please send us an email at or complete our Contact Us form.

Our social work CEUs, social work CE credits, and professional counselor credit hours are widely accepted but please check with your state/licensing board to ensure they meet your CE needs before registering for a course.

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